SMAHRT Mentoring Spotlight: A Glance at Brad, Lekha, and Amrutha’s Mentor Relationship

Posted Posted in Hot Topics, Humanizing Research, Meet SMAHRT

One of SMAHRT’s missions is to support trainees towards improving the health and well-being of teens. This mission is what drives the mentorship program set in place by Principal Investigator, Dr. Megan Moreno. SMAHRT Staff members work with undergraduate interns on improving team projects and supporting their individual research. The mentor relationship between Brad, Lekha, […]

SMAHRT Mentoring Spotlight: A Glance at Reese and Zoe’s Mentor Relationship

Posted Posted in Favorite Social Media Campaigns, Hot Topics, Humanizing Research, Meet SMAHRT

January is national mentoring month, and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to highlight a few of SMAHRT’s mentoring relationships. Mentoring is woven into all aspects of SMAHRT’s team culture. The first mentor pairing we wanted to highlight is between Reese Hyzer, a SMAHRTeam member and PhD student at Loyola University, and Zoe Stratman, a […]

Two Experiences, One Internship

Posted Posted in Favorite Social Media Campaigns, Meet SMAHRT

The University of Wisconsin – Madison offers upwards of 120 undergraduate majors – a long-term advantage and short-term reason of panic for many eighteen-year-old students applying to college. As a first-generation scholar, my knowledge of potential career paths was rather limited; however, my internal thoughts as a three-year-old convinced me to pursue biology and psychology […]