Add To Cart: How Gen Z Spends Their Money

Posted Posted in Research & Recommendations

By Sabine Hansen Born between 1997 and 2015, Generation Z encompasses an era of technological advances previously uncharted by the modern economy. As this generation grows up, they begin to frame their spending habits around a relatively new market, online shopping.   An article written by Lexington Law in early 2021 gives insight to the shopping habits of Gen […]

Body Positivity on Social Media: Why Influencers Must Become More Transparent

Posted Posted in Research & Recommendations

By: Katie Raynes Social media can be a double-edged sword when it comes to promoting self-love and body positivity. Nonetheless, it is a platform for people to connect and a place for safe and honest dialogue. Still, it often serves as a highlight reel of people’s lives, displaying unrealistic and unachievable standards which compel people […]