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Get to Know a SMAHRT Researcher: Meet Brad Kerr

Brad Kerr is a researcher on SMAHRT and the project lead for SMAHRT’s components of the Brain, Behavior, and Wellbeing study. We asked Brad to share more about his research interests and to shed light on what it’s like to be a researcher on SMAHRT.

What research question or project are you passionate about right now?

Right now I am working on a few exciting projects about how adolescents use TikTok and associations with mental health. 

When did you know you wanted to do research?

I first became interested in research in a high school course in psychology. The first unit of the class was on understanding research methods and interpreting findings. I remember being just about the only student who liked that section. 

What is the most exciting part of your job?

There are many exciting parts. But for me what stands out is being a mentor, and particularly guiding others to gain skills and learn about careers in research.

What is your favorite part about attending academic conferences?

It’s an awesome professional development opportunity. There’s so much to learn from attending workshops on academic skills and research presentations.