By: Elise Goldstein

This past year has been tumultuous. But if one thing has become clear between this once-in-a-century global pandemic, a nationwide reckoning over racial injustice, and the 2020 election, it’s that we should take a step back and realize the things in life that we do have. Gratitude is an important quality in life that should be recognized, providing us the ability to acknowledge what we have in the world to be thankful for – which can be a lot of things.
There are also several health benefits to showing gratitude, specifically in the form of a gratitude journal. On days when I feel down, I enjoy reading back through my gratitude journal to readjust my attitude and remember that I have great people and things in my life. Since the start of 2021, I have kept a gratitude journal, and I’m excited to shed light on the positive outcomes that jotting down my thanks has provided me.
Taking a moment to step back and be grateful through my gratitude journal, where each day I jot down three things that I’m thankful for, has increased my health in ways I wouldn’t have imagined – especially through the difficulties that the past year has presented. My thankfulness can be in the form of simple events, such as “I’m grateful for getting out of bed today,” or it can be larger, such as “I’m grateful for having a supportive community at work today when I was having a tough time.”
Here’s what keeping a gratitude journal has taught me:
- Increased positivity
As I’ve been taking the time to notice the things in life that I’m most thankful for each day, I’ve become naturally more positive. Through thinking and writing down what you are thankful for, it can make you more optimistic because you are choosing to see more of the positivity in your life and giving less power to negative emotions. Writing down moments of gratefulness is a positive way of thinking, allowing this emotion to come to life more often and stick.
- Reduced stress
After writing in my gratitude journal on a daily basis, I have felt lighter and less stressed, especially before going to bed. It’s a nice way to be off my screen before bedtime and instead reflect on what went on during my day. Writing down the highlights that I’m thankful for has brought me a sense of comfort and relaxation.
- Hope
Reflecting on the day and writing down what I am most grateful for in that moment provides hope for a kinder world. I gain more appreciation for the smaller things in life, and I hope that others will do the same. Focusing on the positive, in addition to the negative, can boost our mood more than we expect and provide hope for better days in the world.
- Developed self confidence
In a world filled with chaos, keeping a gratitude journal has allowed me to ground myself and focus on what’s going well in the world. This act has given me the confidence to stick to a routine each day and also feel confident about my lifestyle and the things that I do in my life. It also allows me to reflect each day and make changes from the things I do not like in my life.
- Focus on what really matters
When I choose to be grateful and think about my appreciation for each day, I am focusing on the best things in my life, which is what really matters. Taking the time to focus in on the most positive moments is a good way to key in on what is important. Keeping a gratitude journal has helped me learn more about myself and become more self-aware, especially because my journal is a safe zone for my eyes only, so I can write anything I feel without judgment.